SPM 2019
Hello everyone. I hope all of you stay safe and healthy despite the pandemic virus that have cropped up in our country. Make sure enough that you are following all the instructions from Malaysia Health Ministry and World Health Organisation that have been provided. Some people are battling with life and death now, so I hope everyone could do a silent plea to these patients and frontlines. And you. It's time for you to take a break in between for your own self. It's time to breath and it's time to heal. All this positivity seems like unreal right? Yes it is. I even had some unproductive days along this Restriction of Movement Orders but it's okay. Do something by taking baby steps and believe me, it was never too late. Embrace and be you. I am thinking to do my To Do List today, since we got another free 14 days. I hope it can help and organize my day better hahha
When I scrolled Instagram, Twitter and even scan-reading at the WhatsApp's status by people who I knew, these past few days, there were too many hatred spreading out and I totally sick of it but at the mean time, I understand on why they got raged. People are being irresponsible, selfish, ungrateful etc2. So yesterday, I decided to skip a bit from this issue and tried binge watching some movies and dramas. Unfortunately, it did not worked out. I could not focus and because of that, I randomly grabbed " Pelukis Jalanan " book and read it. Read, read and kept reading it till I could finished that whole book on one day. It was so good to be able to read again. I was about to continue for " Arkitek Jalanan " but little inside part of me said that I should write! Like I feel so pump out right now so I thought, dear self, at least make a proper reflect and your own anecdote of story. And that is why I am here. To talk about my SPM result and I knew by looking at the title, everyone mesti excited to know about it right? Well at least to my devoted readers, hehe.

( me and my classmates )
I thought I shall make one proper post after receiving the result right away like maybe two or three days after that but nah, I have no time and I thought that I didn't have anything to say to anyone. So I just back off and continued working. It was not a delusional moment or I was being ungrateful oki. Alhamdulillah, I am proud of myself :)
So I went back to Melaka, one day before I got my result and we were staying at my adek ngasuh place for two days and one night. Allahu, I missed them so much and when we arrived, those lil kids seems a bit timid and all that but that night, it was chaotic! They were still noisy and heart-warming like usual hehe. So on 5th, I went to school, wearing my baju kurung and got to say that I was a bit nervous? I seriously didn't expect of anything about the result because I knew how I studied before this. I was giving all the fully rights to God and tawakal about everything. When I was entering the gate, the first one who was all excited and running to me was my chemistry teacher! She was so adorable and after quick asking this and that, she immediately asking me, " Did you checked your result via online?". I smiled and said no, oh come on, tak surprise la kan? Hahaha. I lowkey enjoy the anxious feeling among all my friends ( and even my self! ) Everyone were seems like exchanging all the thrilling stories that they got to experienced on current life and their new 2020.
To shorten the story, I got *6As and 3Bs everyone.* Alhamdulillah, it's all from Allah. Those Bs are my Biology, Chemistry and Physic papers and the shocked part was my Addmath result, as I got A- for this stressing subject.
( this is first time i am sharing my own pic so introduce u, me and my parent hehe )
Thank you my parents, my teachers, my friends and everyone who ride along the journey I took part with. It was memorable and I believe that I could not do this with the guidance and help from all people. All those inspirational people, sama ada mati ataupun hidup, mahupun karakter semata2 ( referring to Naruto ), terima kasih untuk segalanya.
Before getting the result, rather than worry of my own feeling, I kept worry of people's saying because girl have been living with expectation of people for my whole life, with all the good and great student title who could score, they said. Tapi bila dah dapat keputusan SPM tu kan, takdela kisah mana pun hahah. I cuma lebihkan momen-momen yang ada untuk bersyukur dan gembira Tapi bila dah banyak masa untuk pikir balik ni kan, kadang-kadang ada jugak terbayang-bayang apa la cikgu2 cakap ek kat sekolah? Diorang cite apa kat adik2 ni? Hahaha. Ke takde yang kisah kut? Ke ada? Ishh rindu la cikgu2 bebel. Kah kah kah.
Cuma nak kasi satu appreciation kepada diri sendiri perihal subjek matematik tambahan tu je la. Believe or not I got E on trial and I even cried over that matter, thinking that there is no more next time. Emotion welled up inside me, but under His guidance and my hard work these past two years, so kira macam berbaloi la. Walaupun kantoi kat subjek2 sains. Dukacita sebenarnya tapi takpe, hidup kena teruskan. I mungkin tak worked hard enough? Tapi nak measure kita punya hard work, luar fitrah dah tu right? Takpe, Allah tahu semua. Dia akan bagi banyak lagi lepas ni, inshaAllah.
As I determined enough to go studying oversea before this, it seems like the hope is faded slowly hohoho. The requirements to get the scholarship is quite hard and my SPM result did not help much. But honestly, Ariena is still Ariena. Maybe in the future, I will try hard to get the places that could offering me one, inshaAllah. I am thinking to further my studies in medical field generally although my Bio result macam hampeh hahhah but it is okay lah, Allah has set better plan for me so I`m all good.
That`s it I guess. See ya in the next post oki, Assalammualaikum.