Friday 12 June 2020

Get Into Matrikulasi


Assalammualaikum and Hello everyone. I pray that everyone is in a state of healthy and happy, ameen. Time flies so fast this May-to-June months and honestly, I am quite blowing away- trying to catch up few things that going to happen in my life.

Last week, I got my UPU results and it turned out that I have been offered to further my study at Matrikulasi, Perak. Alhamdulillah. And since I have started my job back on 3rd Syawal, so the process to sit and search thoroughly about Matriks is slowing down for me, compared than everyone else. I can see that some people have bought things too and that's great. I have missed the date to download my surat tawaran at the official website and that explained more why I haven't started to settle down- completing the documents. The websites will be reopened back on 22nd June, so in shaa Allah still got time.

The thoughts of meeting new people and creating a circle of new friends have made me anxious already. My friends at Melaka probably rest assured since they got each other back face to face there, but here I am hahah, a local awkward social figure landing nowhere. Hello, I'm trying to adjust myself to be more social-able and I think I am doing great slowly. Although I was bit concerned about this, I hope it won't affect me that much.

I also have thought that what if I can't study properly despite my brain is not functioning properly these few months LOL and what if I can't do it... what if I failed... and more of what if.. But nah nevermind, things will work out anyway.

I hope it is not to late to say this but Salam Aidilfitri to everyone!


  1. wowww congratulations!! good luck then!! me also get a chance to further my study in Kedah. im so happy after knowing about my upu result and yeah, quite nervous to meet new people. let's pray for our future then. hehe. again i wanna say congrats and good luck! ❤️

  2. Congratulations! and Good luck~

  3. Hi menarik ini :) bw here done follow, follow me back.. thanks

  4. Congratulations and all the best :)

  5. Congratulations dapat masuk Matrikulasi.
    Cemburu tengok orang yang dapat sambung belajar ni.
    All the best ye!

  6. congrats awk ! btw kita same umur laa hihi , jemput melawat ke blog sye juga ye hihi done follow !

  7. Congrats! semoga berjaya. Jemput singgah ke blog saya and I follow you

  8. hey there good luck ~~ i'm alumni matrik penang ...not gonna lie matric life is fun even after degree i still saying this

  9. Congrats & goodluck in your studies Ariena! :D


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