In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
Assalammualaikum and hi, fellas.
It was hard. I don't know but three to four weeks passed and all I can say, it was quite hard. School life cycle really drained me out this much and that is not surprising. Last year, I was thinking to update on blog like one entry per week but I don't really have time to do so. My schedules were hectic asf and all the things that I planned were jumbled up. I guess that just how life is.
I want to make reflection every day by writing at blog but all I do was reflecting when I have like 5 minutes while sitting at the corner and that's it, new task come. I DON'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO THINK LOL
I tried to recap all the things that mesmerized me this passed three weeks and yes, let's read!
1. Don't judge people with their past.
I have friend who seems like not so into religious stuff but this year, that person is more religious than me myself! I was shook but I am so proud of that person, alhamdulillah.
2. I came across form one class.
Last few days, I was meeting this one teacher at her form one class. There is this one chinese-muslim boy, taught the whole class and explained stuff! I was like subhanallah what is happening? So the teacher called me and told me to listened to the boy's lesson. It was about progression topic. I listened, listened and listened about his opinion and acting like dummy hshshshs. I just want to hear and know what inside his little and bising mouth hahaha. At the end, he told the teacher, " Teacher, I thought she was smarter than me?! " & all I can say was, " Nooooooo, we are on same level! "
3. Aida Azlin replied me on twitter!
I wrote an essay, " The Advantages of Social Networking Sites " last week. I tried to be optimistic while making it despite the hatred that has spread through social media nowadays. So I included Aida Azlin in one of the paragraph. Here it is.
| At last, social networking sites also help people to find inspirational or their own role model all around the world. We do really have many influencers in this day and age who are constantly sharing and spreading positivity & happiness in their social networking sites. I personally think that it is such a big and important advantage to people who are in need. For instance, I have been subscribed to Aida Azlin's youtube & e-mail for almost one year already and I feel that it was a really amazing journey ever, even though only through social media. She is a wonderful entrepreneur that has been sharing & serving contents for girls out there to become the best version of ourselves. Every Tuesday, Aida's team will send out her well-beloved, personally hand-crafted Love Letters to Sisters all around the world, and I love to be a part of the family. Thus, I think this kind of advantages, where people can find some reasons to be happy, to spread positivity & to think out of the box will make this reason stands stronger to state that social networking sites have brought heed advantages than disadvantages. |
So when my teacher checked it, she wrote " I love her too!!! " and you don't know how much happy I was that morning when received back my book. I bragged to everyone even though they don't even know who Aida Azlin is. That evening, I took a picture over it and sent to Aida's twitter. She then replied me this,
I was so happy that day haha.
4. Too many things to handle, but I still overslept.
I am that type of person who sleeps very very very long. I can sleep right after Isyak and wake up when it is Subuh. So I don't really have much time to do my works & make me procrastinate a lot
So yea that's a wrap! I told myself that January is just a free trial month ( to make me feel better ) because I am not even serious when actually I will sit SPM this year, oh lord! February will be a whole new thing for me and I would make it real for sure. Please, please & please du'a for me so that I can enjoy life better and succeed! Thank you for reading and have a nice day~